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Sunday, March 31, 2019

10 tips to start your blog

Do you have the idea and the desire to create a blog? Before embarking on the adventure, you have to ask the right questions and know where to start. I share with you my advice before starting and getting started.
10 tips to start your blog - upgainer.com
1. BE PASSIONATE AND WANT TO SHARE Before starting your blog, are you sure you have found the right topic and want to share? A blog is a great personal investment so it's better to be passionate. Start your blog for good reasons, ie sharing and exchange and not to receive free products or make money. These are things that can happen, of course, but they are secondary and will come with perseverance, time and a lot of work. 2. CHOOSE THE NAME OF YOUR BLOG This point is not an easy thing, I agree! Try to find an original name, unique and above all that matches you. This is a name that will follow you a long time because once the blog is created, it is not recommended to change because it could disturb your readers. To personalize the name of your blog, we can start with your first name, your nickname or something that you like a lot. Experiment in your head and in writing. Also check that your choice is not already taken . 3. DARE TO LAUNCH A blog is a great adventure, it brings a lot of things, you really have nothing to lose trying the experience. It does not commit you to anything, and I bet you'll get into the game quickly. You hesitate because you say that there are many blogs on the same subject as you? That's right, but that does not mean there's no place for your blog. Everyone has something to contribute, their personality and their touch to bring. First of all, do not forget that you blog by passion and first for yourself (and your loved ones). 4. CHOOSE YOUR PLATFORM When you want to start your blog is often the big question: where to create? There are many blogging platform but I advise you two more known because easily usable and customizable: Blogger and WordPress.org. I will soon propose a detailed comparison of these two options. 5. HEALTHY DESIGN Design is one of the most important things because it is the first image the visitor will have of your universe. To make your readers want to stay and browse your articles, they must feel good about it. So try maximally to heal your space to make it pretty and pleasant. 6. CREATE YOUR OWN CONTENT It is imperative to create your own content, inspiration is not prohibited but copy and paste is! Tell your own stories, describe your feelings and incorporate your own visuals. There is no point in creating a blog if you have nothing to contribute . You can of course use free illustrations and / or copyrighted images provided you have permission from the author and quote it but it is better if it remains exceptional. 7. CARE CONTENTS It is important to write properly, that is to say in French correct and without fault. Try to read carefully or have your article re-read to ensure that your article is as neat as possible. Do not make mistakes is not obvious, I agree, myself I do not escape but it must be rare. Also try to personalize your content by making them live. Find your style, bring color, highlight some words, it must be pleasant to read. 8. CARE PHOTOS / ILLUSTRATIONS Images are a very important part of your blog, they catch your eye and help to make your blog beautiful and enjoyable. Try to make bright and sharp pictures. I advise you to insert them in fairly large size and across the width of your article because it is more pleasant to watch. 9. PROVE REGULARITY The best way to drive traffic to your blog is to publish regularly as readers will come back to discover your new article. It will also show that you are a diligent and active blogger. Being regular also allows to have more content and therefore to be better referenced on the search engines. Your new readers discover you very often through this way so the more articles you have, the more likely you are to appear on Google for example. Warning ! Publish to the extent of your possibilities and also of your ideas. Posting to publish will not be beneficial if the content is not quality and interesting. It is better to publish fewer articles but with better content. 10. REGISTER ON SOCIAL NETWORKS To publicize your blog and develop your community, it is important not to neglect social networks. Opt for the best known and used: * Facebook: Having a Facebook page allows your users to follow the release of your new articles and your latest news. * Hellocoton: THE social network of women's blogs. Every day the 10 "best" items in each category are highlighted on the site, enough to have a sudden peak of visits. * Twitter: Indispensable to exchange with your subscribers and other bloggers. You can also share some funny little information about your day for example. * Instagram: Create a nice gallery with your photos of the blog and / or your nice personal photos to build loyalty and make you want to discover your world. Social networks allow your readers to have a continuity of the blog, to follow you to know more about you and to feel closer to their favorite blogger.

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