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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How much caffeine does a cup of coffee have?

How much caffeine does a cup of coffee have? - upgainer.com

We all know that one of the reasons why we like coffee is its caffeine content, since this stimulating substance, with many beneficial effects for health, helps us to make the working day bearable and predisposes us to be happy. That's why we would like to know how much caffeine does a cup of coffee have?

As much as we like it, we all know that excess caffeine, produces some negative effects such as nerves or even difficulty falling asleep, so we are all aware that we should not consume too much caffeine.

But how much caffeine does a cup of coffee have? Is an espresso coffee the same as a coffee with milk? How much caffeine does a decaffeinated coffee have? Whatever profession you have, even if it is one of the most coffee consumed, you are sure to limit the number of coffees you consume, and it will be useful to know the approximate amount of caffeine in each type of coffee.

An espresso coffee of approximately 30 ml contains between 40 and 75 mg of caffeine, depending on the variety of coffee used and the amount of ground coffee that was loaded at the time of making the coffee.

A decaffeinated espresso (machine) of the same size, usually ranging between 0 and 15 mg of caffeine, depending on the decaffeination process that has been carried out.

A large cup of American coffee drip system, 240 ml contains approximately between 100 and 200 mg of caffeine, depending on the amount of water in the coffee or how concentrated the infusion, which is reduced to 0 and 12 mg of caffeine if it is a large cup of American decaffeinated or drip.

The coffee of envelope, contains between 25 and 175 mg of caffeine and the decaffeinated of between 0 and 12 mg.

Cafes with milk have the same caffeine as single coffees, since they are usually made with the same amount of coffee (and therefore caffeine), which is then added milk to make them cut, with milk, stained and all the varieties with which each one enjoys this drink.

These quantities that are very different, are curious if we compare them with the caffeine content of other beverages.

For example, a 480 ml Starbucks coffee latte contains 150 mg of caffeine and one of McDonalds of the same size, contains 100 mg of this substance.

A cola drink, contains approximately the same amount as an espresso coffee, about 37 mg and interestingly, a cup of tea has approximately 100 mg (of teína that is the equivalent of the coffee present in this infusion) and a chocolate to the cup , between 100 and 200 mg, according to your Spanish or French preparation technique.

In summary, it should be noted that a cup of coffee, whether espresso, cut, with milk or the variety that we like, comes to contribute approximately 50 mg of caffeine. If a typical average consumer of coffee usually takes 3 or 4 coffees a day, he will be consuming an amount of approximately 150 to 200 mg of this substance, far from what could be considered harmful or harmful.

In any case, to avoid problems with sleep or nerves, it is preferable that the coffees that are taken after lunchtime are decaffeinated coffees.

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