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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The 10 most used programming languages in 2019

The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
The list of the most used programming languages ​​of each year is prepared according to the TIOBE Index, which is developed by a Dutch software company that specializes in the evaluation and monitoring of the quality of computer programs. Currently, the company reviews in real time more than 300 million codes of various computer programs per day, updating its index month by month. The TIOBE Index is elaborated from diverse criteria or parameters, for example, the number of qualified engineers in a certain language, the searches that the users make through the search engines requesting information of the different programming languages, the demand of courses or the languages ​​that are being used the most This index serves so that a programmer can determine if his knowledge in a certain language have become obsolete, or if they are still valid. Also, it can be useful if you have to make a strategic decision regarding what language to use for the construction of certain software. WHAT IS A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE? A programming language is a formal language that explains a series of instructions for a computer, computer, tablet, smartphone or other mobile and electronic devices to generate different kinds of data. Programming languages ​​can be used to create programs that implement specific algorithms, which control the physical and logical behavior of a computer. According to the blog Marketingandweb, to define in a simple way what is a programming language it is necessary to specify each word: language is a form or communication system and programming is the procedure of writing the source code of a software or program.


The programming languages ​​are divided into three clearly differentiated types: 1. Machine language This programming language directly includes the machine (computer) and uses the binary alphabet, that is, the 0 and the 1. 2. Low level programming languages Unlike the machine language it is easier to use, but they depend a lot on the machine or computer as it happened with the machine language. 3. High level programming languages. They are easier to learn because they use words or commands of natural language, usually English. This is the case of BASIC, the most known programming language. The types of high level programming languages, according to their usefulness and philosophy, are: Imperative language: Cobol, Pascal, C and Ada. Declarative language: the Lisp and the Prolog. Object oriented programming language: Smalltalk and C ++. Problem-oriented language: those are specific languages ​​for management. Natural programming language: are the new languages ​​that aim to approximate the design and construction of programs to the language of people. Taking into account the development of computers according to their different generations, the high level programming languages ​​are classified as: First generation programming language: the machine language and the assembler. Second generation language: the first programming languages ​​of high imperative level (FORTRAN, COBOL). Third generation language: they are programming languages ​​of high imperative level, but much more used and current at present (ALGOL 8, PL / I, PASCAL, MODULA). Fourth generation language: used in management applications and database management (NATURAL, SQL). Fifth generation language: created for artificial intelligence and for the processing of natural languages ​​(LISP, PROLOG). WHAT WERE THE MOST USED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES IN 2018? The following data correspond to January 2019.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
1. JAVA Since 2001, JAVA is the most used programming language. Currently has more than 9 million developers who use it and is present in more than 7 billion devices worldwide. Its popularity is due to its great readability and simplicity.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
2. C Created between 1969 and 1972 at Bell Laboratories, this programming language is one of the most widely used in the world. It is used by most operating systems, which makes it a very flexible language. It is also very popular for the development of desktop applications, such as the well-known graphic editor GIMP.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
3. Python Python is a multiplatform and multi-paradigm programming language. Supports object orientation, imperative and functional programming. Its simplicity, readability and similarity with the English language make it an ideal language for beginners.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
4. C ++ C Plus Plus is an object-oriented programming language and an evolution of the C language. There is a large number of programs written in C ++, such as Adobe packages.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
5. VISUAL BASIC .NET Visual Basic .NET gives you the possibility to automate your own processes and create your own web applications. It is used by a large number of people throughout the world who do not have deep knowledge as developers, so it is considered one of the most friendly languages ​​for programming beginners.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
6. JAVASCRIPT This programming language is usually used to create programs that are integrated into a web page or into larger applications. Javascript can be used to create effects and perform interactive actions, some examples of this language are chat, calculators, search engines, among other utilities.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
7. C #
Also called C Sharp, it is an evolution of the C and C ++ programming languages ​​and it is an object-oriented programming language. It was developed in 2000 by Microsoft to be used in a wide range of business applications executed in the .NET framework.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
8. PHP Created in 1994 by the Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf with the intention of having a set of tools for the maintenance of web pages. It won a pesto is the ranking because of its easy access for new programmers and its many possibilities for the most experienced.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
9. SQL SQL is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed to manage relational database management systems. Although in recent years it has almost disappeared from this list, in 2018 it was once again one of the most used programming languages.
The 10 most used programming languages in 2019 - upgainer.com
10. OBJECTIVE-C Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language created as a superset of C. It is currently used as a main programming language for Mac OS X, iOS and GNUstep, in addition to Swift.

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