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Sunday, March 31, 2019

6 secrets to having healthy and silky hair

Hair is one of the physical attractions of every woman. Therefore, it is important to give basic care to keep it healthy and silky. What should you do? We tell you

6 secrets to having healthy and silky hair - upgainer.com
There is no magic formula to solve hair damage overnight. However, there are a number of tricks that help us keep hair healthy and silky without the need for expensive treatments. Do you want to know what they are? Beyond the application of external products, such as shampoo and conditioner, the hair depends on many other care to keep it in good condition. For example, to grow healthy and vital is essential to provide certain nutrients from the diet. What else should you do? We tell you in detail.

Secrets to have healthy and silky hair

There are many factors that can deteriorate capillary health. Direct exposure to the sun, the use of chemical products and heat tools are some of them. Although there are currently many cosmetic treatments to counteract it, it is not always enough. Because of this, it is essential to have a healthy lifestyle, ensuring an adequate supply of nutrients in the diet and other types of care. Still do not know how to keep hair healthy and silky? Put the following into practice 1. Choose suitable products The choice of a shampoo and inappropriate hair treatments can affect the deterioration of hair strands. For this reason, when choosing them, it is essential to choose those that are suitable for the hair type: oily, mixed or dry. Also, products that have harsh components such as sodium lauryl sulfate should be avoided, as they are aggressive to the hair and scalp. Keep in mind that the cost of the same is not always synonymous with good quality. 2. Take cold showers Although it may seem like a piece of advice with little relevance, cold showers can be very beneficial to keep hair healthy and silky. Hot water opens the hair cuticles and can cause excess dryness and fall. In contrast, cold water produces an opposite effect, protects the filaments and helps maintain hydration. 3. Increase protein consumption It is not about basing the diet on proteins, but on increasing its consumption to keep hair strong and free of problems like excessive hair loss. Although many overlook it, the hair is composed mainly of this nutrient, so it is important to consume at least 45 g per day. You can get it from foods like: * Lean meats * Poultry * Fatty fish * Vegetables * Low-fat dairy products * Eggs * Nuts 4. Consume omega-3 sources The adequate absorption of omega-3 fatty acids through diet is key to stimulate the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands. Therefore, if you want to keep your hair healthy and silky you must increase the consumption of the foods that provide it. These include: * Cold water fish, such as salmon, sardines or herring. * Seeds and nuts * Extra virgin olive oil * Avocado 5. Avoid excessive washing to have healthy and silky hair Washing your hair every day is not a healthy practice. Although it provides the sensation of cleanliness in the hair, in the long term it can produce an alteration in its natural production of oils. It even tends to cause an accumulation of shampoo and product residues in the strands. Do you want healthy and silky hair? Then wash it every two days. If your hair is too greasy, opt for the application of a dry shampoo or astringent hair tonics. 6. Limit the use of irons and dryers The excessive use of irons, dryers and other elements of heat is one of the main causes of hair damage. Although these tools help to look more beautiful hairstyles, over time damage the strands of hair and alter the follicles. Therefore, they should only be used occasionally, using a thermoprotective treatment. Also, after using them, it is convenient to apply a moisturizing or repairing product to the hair. Final tips for healthy and silky hair To complement the above, we finally give you other basic tips that you can take into account each day to take care of the health of your hair. * Dry the hair by gently wrapping the strands to absorb the water. * Avoid brushing too much. * Use treatments to protect from the sun and hats. * Perform massages using the fingertips and essential oils. * Apply a home treatment, at least 2 times a week.

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