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Friday, April 19, 2019

7 Proven Methods to Get Web Traffic

7 Proven Methods to Get Web Traffic - upgainer.com

7 Proven Methods to Get Web Traffic

For any digital company, of any size, traffic is everything. Without traffic there are no conversions. As it is also impossible to sell without getting web traffic. What do big brands do? They pay for web traffic through campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and so on. This is a strategy. Just one. There are many others that do not require large investments. We are talking about organic traffic, the one that arrives because he knew the product or service through techniques without advertising guidelines. It is a traffic with more purchase motivation. Let's see what are the 10 sties to increase the traffic of your website without spending money! 1. Instagram traffic This is one of the easiest options to achieve. For what reason? First, because the organic reach on Facebook has decreased considerably. To be seen, you have to pay. Except that in terms of content you can make a more than interesting proposal or generate, in its great majority, audiovisual material. Second, because Instagram is growing by leaps and bounds. It has an excellent reach and the publications are very visual. This does not mean that the content you are going to publish has to be improvised. DO NOT. There has to be a specific strategy and you have to really know what you do to make Instagram work. The image is everything on Instagram. But once you give your brand visual identity and get good results in terms of engagement, Instagram is an excellent way to get web traffic. Your profile should include the address of your site and when you post, you have to be able to add a "call to action" for people to go to your site. In addition, it is advisable to use relevant hashtags and interact with your followers or with other brands in the sector. 2. Search Engine Advertising (Pay-Per-Click) Acquire traffic by posting an ad on the first page of search engine results. How it works: Search engines like Google and Bing allow advertisers to create campaigns that display an ad on the results page when searching for certain keywords. Advertisers are billed only if a user clicks on the ad and goes to the advertiser's site. Hence the term "Pay-Per-Click" (PPC) where we pay only if the user clicks on the ad. The placement of ads on the home page on given keywords is done through an auction process where advertisers who are willing to pay the most for the click on an ad will appear at the top of the results page. research. Proven tactics: * Search for keywords to find the most popular and affordable ones to create optimized ads (using Google AdWords Keyword Planner). * Create different variations of your ads to do A / B testing to determine the best ad that will maximize your campaign's performance. * Track and optimize campaign performance to maximize traffic to your website and reduce campaign costs. 3. Facebook Groups In the latest Facebook news, the groups have had the main protagonist. They have been considered as the key to generate community. And generating community is the new mission of Facebook. With new analytical tools, the groups are becoming places of conversation and exchange between people with the same interests. Great opportunity for brands! In relation to traffic, you can not only create your own group, but also be a member of those popular groups within your market. Do not abuse the resource to comment on your brand. Just do it or direct people to your site when what contributions are of value to the group conversation. Perhaps many of these prospects later become customers. 4. Content marketing If you have been wondering for a long time if you need the content or how the content can help you in your digital communication strategy, 2019 is a good year to start. Yes: you are still on time to start implementing content marketing in your business, and use it to attract potential customers and generate a community around what you offer. And if you are also aware of the content marketing trends that are coming, much better. 5. Youtube marketing YouTube is essentially a video search engine. And it's not surprising that it uses a very sophisticated algorithm to show content to viewers. If you want to gain subscribers and your videos appear on the first pages of search, uploading constant content is extremely important. On YouTube, users love new videos and that new content (as well as the latest user activities) is something that YouTube takes into consideration when displaying their viewing options in search results. 6. Pinterest I have been telling that I have time implementing a pinterest strategy to attract traffic to my blog and I want to share what I have been doing so that you can also put it into practice. Pinterest is used by millions of people every day to inspire, learn and share, so if you use it strategically in a short time you will be receiving thousands of visits from your account to your blog and everything in auto-pilot. 7. Reddit Reddit is one of the most visited sites on the Internet, it is a network that allows users to leave links or links to different topics (mainstream or adult), while other users (to whom it is addressed) can vote for or against the content of the link. The traffic that we can get from Reddit is massive if done correctly, where the quality of presentation of the content will play a fundamental role, that's why I give it so much importance. Needless to say, we will receive quality traffic. If our page is in English, we will take advantage of the potential of Reddit, but in any other language it is also valid. Here is an example of the origin of the traffic I got with a new page (in a month and in views).


  1. Amazing post, Link building should not be forgotten for getting referral traffic as well as sky-rocketing the search engine rankings.

    Also, selecting an lighting fast WordPress Hosting will do a lot of good in retaining the speed of your website as the traffic grows.

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