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Thursday, April 4, 2019

How many proteins does an egg provide?

How many proteins does an egg provide

How many proteins does an egg provide? - upgainer.com

Eggs are the perfect protein foods, they have the ideal amino acid profile and that is why it is called the reference protein. A medium egg of about 60 grams is going to provide 7.5 grams of protein, which for a person weighing 75 kilos means 10% of their daily protein needs. Therefore one with an egg we obtain first quality proteins, but not enough, that is why it is necessary the rest of the day to take milk, cereals, meat and / or fish. The best way to cook them so they do not lose their properties is to cook them, they are also very good and no extra calories are added. With only 75 calories, a large boiled egg contains 6.29 g of protein. An average American needs between 50 to 65 g of protein per day. Weightlifters and athletes may need a little more. Eggs contain all the essential amino acids that make them a complete protein. Eggs are a very healthy food for our health. Protein in the body Proteins play a vital role in the body, since they are part of all cells and organs. These work to build, repair and develop at the cellular level. Made up of a chain of amino acids, the protein is considered complete if it contains all the essential amino acids - the amino acids that the body can not produce by itself and must obtain from your diet. Proteins of animal origin, such as eggs, are complete proteins, while proteins of plant origin must be combined to be complete. Because of its role in repairing muscle tissue, protein is essential for athletic or fitness enthusiasts. Parts of the egg The egg shell is usually not eaten and does not contain significant amounts of protein. The egg whites have 3.64 g of protein, a little more than the egg yolk that has 2.63 g. Eat several egg whites boiled to have a healthy portion of protein without cholesterol or the fat found in the yolk. Considerations In the search for quality eggs in the supermarket, pay attention to the quality and size label. U.S. Grade AA and U.S. Grade A. Category A eggs have larger and firmer egg whites than US Grade B eggs. Large or extra-large eggs will provide more substance for cooking and may provide a bit more protein. You can increase the nutrient content even more by choosing eggs enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. Benefits of eggs for athletes The eggs contain a good proportion of the amino acid leucine, which is essential for the synthesis of muscle proteins and the use of glucose. Experts speculate that leucine in eggs benefits both strength and strength during training. The eggs provide proteins and vitamins of group B responsible for energy production and muscle recovery. Warning Due to the high cholesterol content of the eggs, it is recommended that you limit your weekly intake to four whole eggs per week. Americans generally get a lot of protein in their diet, so there is no need to increase total intake. However, vegetarians must carefully combine proteins to obtain all the essential amino acids and eggs can be a good option to increase protein intake. Excess protein can be converted into body fat and lead to kidney problems. Safe handling is also crucial to avoid foodborne illness. You should always cook the eggs before eating them. If you boil eggs, make sure the egg white is firm and the yolk is at least thick. Put them in the refrigerator after cooking if you do not eat them immediately.

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