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Monday, April 15, 2019

How to Cook Shrimp?

How to Cook Shrimp

How to Cook Shrimp? - upgainer.com

Cook the shrimp

There are many ways to cook shrimp, which are different in speed, shrimp meat is very soft and does not resemble other meat such as chicken, beef or sheep, and several minutes - five to seven minutes depending on the size of shrimp - in a pan of hot oil or Heat the hot water until it is fully cooked. You can cook it with pasta, rice or even put it over the pizza instead of the sausages. The following recipe is a traditional recipe for curry and shrimp rice.

The ingredients:

* Four tablespoons of olive oil. 
* Large onion. 
* Two medium-sized carrots. 
* A piece of garlic. 
* 1 teaspoon of curry curry spice.
* One cup of basmati rice with long grain.
* Cup and three quarters of a cup of water. 
* A pinch of salt. 
* A pinch of ground black pepper. 
* Half a kilogram of medium-sized shrimp and can be obtained clean and cut from a food store.
* Half a cup of fresh basil leaves.

How to prepare

* Start with the ingredients to make the cooking easier. Cut the onion and the cinnamon sticks into equal size cubes until they are cooked at the same level. Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices and toss the basil leaves in a crisp way.

* Add two large tablespoons in a saucepan of olive oil, place on medium heat, add onion cubes and carrots and a salt workshop, and stir continuously for six to eight minutes until the cubes become slightly soft.

* Add the garlic slices and curry leaves to the pot and stir continuously for 2 minutes until you begin to smell garlic and spices spicily.

* Add water and rice, a salt workshop, a workshop of ground black pepper and two large tablespoons of olive oil to the pot, set it on high  heat until it starts to boil, then turn the ingredients once, cover the pot and leave it on very low heat for 10 to 15 minutes.

* Before the rice is fully cooked, add the shrimp and the sauce and leave for six to 10 minutes on a very low heat until the shrimp and rice are fully cooked. If you notice that the water has dried before the rice and shrimp mature, you can add a few spoons of water to ripen.

* Remove the heat from the fire, add the chopped basil leaves and gently mix the ingredients for one time only. Cover and leave for 1 to 2 minutes until the flavors are homogenized, and then serve hot with one of the salads or soups as you prefer.

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