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Sunday, April 14, 2019

How to Sell on eBay?

How to Sell on eBay

How to Sell on eBay? - upgainer.com

Are you interested in learning how to sell on eBay? It is one of the pioneering digital spaces in terms of transactions. In fact, eBay, which was founded in 1995, is one of the largest online shopping centers.

The operation of eBay is as follows:

* A user puts an article on sale. You can sell almost any type of products.
* If the seller decides to accept bids for his product, an auction is opened that starts with the price the  user raises. The bid remains for a certain number of days.
* Buyers bid for the item. When the ad ends, the buyer with the highest bid wins.
* Another option that the seller has is to choose a fixed price. In this way, with the button Buy it now! active any buyer can acquire the product immediately.
* In this second option the first buyer willing to pay the price established by the seller gets the item.

Essentials to sell on eBay

eBay makes available to any user who wants to sell their products on the platform a series of tools for buyers to know. And they can buy your products.For this, eBay offers tools of various types:

* Design of the store.
* Marketing functions that allow to promote the store.
* Preparation of reports.
* Exclusive access to the store inventory ad format.

However, if you have decided to sell on eBay you must take into account a number of aspects before you start. The first thing is that to be able to put an item on sale it is necessary to offer PayPal as one of the forms of payment.

Also, if you're new to eBay, sales limits will probably apply in order to monitor the sales practices you use.

Basic Store: All you need is to have an account linked to PayPal.

Advanced Store: In this case, in addition, you must be registered as a professional seller / Company on eBay and maintain an average of 4.4 or higher in your detailed evaluations of the seller in each of the following 4 areas during the last 12 months:

* Article as described.
* Communication.
* Shipping time.
* Shipping and handling expenses.

Premium Store: With the same requirements as the advanced store.
In addition, it is important to differentiate between private sellers and company sellers or freelancers. A private seller may:

* Have 100 free monthly ads, 25 in fixed price format and 75 in auction format.
* From the 100 ads, each one will cost $ 0.35.
* You can subscribe to Ebay's basic store and to the Sales Manager Pro

For its part, a seller who is a company or self-employed has the following options:

They pay for the insertion of advertisements.
In addition to being able to subscribe to the basic store, they have access to an advanced store, with free ad insertion without limit and premium store, with offers for international sales.
Access to the Power Seller program and the Excellent Seller program, with discounts on commissions if the ratings are very good.
Advantages of selling on Ebay with a professional account

The advantages of having a professional account on eBay are:

* Professional sellers can register with the name of the company that will appear in all communications with buyers, such as invoices and email messages.
* In addition, they can provide their VAT identification number to eBay and receive net invoices of their eBay rates.
* They can show their contact information and conditions and terms in all their ads.
* They are eligible for tax benefits if they register as a company.

5 steps to sell on eBay

Having an eBay store will open a huge audience to sell your products. With the advantage that it will not be necessary to install software or have programming knowledge. To sell on eBay you only have to take the following 5 steps:

1. Subscribe to stores on eBay: The first thing you should do is subscribe to the creation of stores on eBay. For this, you must choose the type of store that most interests you. And pay the proper amount. As you can see in the image above, the basic rates are:

* Basic store: 19 dollar.
* Advanced store: 38 dollar.
* Premium store: 168 dollar.
* In addition, you must take into account the other fees that apply depending on the type of store you want to open on eBay.

2. Configure and design your store: The next step is one of the most important. It is about the configuration of your store, which includes the design, give it a name and personalization. Remember that you can open an interesting and attractive store, you will facilitate the purchases of visitors and increase your chances of selling more.

To sell on eBay it will be necessary to take good care of the appearance of your page. For this, the platform offers different options:

The Quick Store configuration feature to design your appearance in a few steps. This feature offers recommendations on store design inspired by other vendors' stores. With the push of a button, you can apply all the recommendations or adapt them to your needs. This feature is only available at the time you open your store.

The Quick Optimization tool for the My eBay store after clicking the "Manage My Store" link.
Custom pages: Can be used to create a unique cover or special pages that detail the policies of your store and offer size guides.

3. Sell your items: Once you have set up your store you can start selling. At this point, from eBay they provide you with a series of tools to create ads:

* The form Sell your item.
* Turbo Lister
* The Sales Manager Pro.
* The ad creation tool you prefer.

4. Manage your store: After setting up the store and with your first products already on sale, it is time to start managing it. One of the fundamental aspects is to promote the products, something for which eBay puts at your disposal tools such as promotion boxes that can be of the following types:

* Advertise specific articles.
* To highlight one or more products from your store.
* Links to other parts of the store.
* With other search options for items in the store.

Custom links can link to:

* A category of store.
* A personalized page of the store.
* Another eBay website.
* A page with personalized search results.

Your own promotions box Where you can display the information you want: payment and shipping information, links to the subscription page to your newsletter or other useful information.

You can place promotion boxes in almost all the pages of your store: in the pages of personalized categories, personalized pages, cover of the store. The promotion boxes show in two places of the page:

At the top (below the header and above the list of items): you can include two boxes of promotions, in the top left and top right of the page, respectively.
Below the left navigation bar: In this area you can see two promotion boxes, one higher and one lower.

5. Promote your store: Finally, it is important that users find your store. And who want to browse it to end up buying your products. For this, eBay offers you tools such as:

* Discount manager
* Sending news bulletins by email to highlight new or seasonal items.

As you have seen, opening a store to sell on eBay is not complicated. The really difficult thing is to stand out among the millions of products sold on the platform each month. To help you, the top infographic indicates a series of factors that you must take into account.

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