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Thursday, April 4, 2019

What is SEO ?

Explained search engine optimization

What is SEO ? - upgainer.com

Search engine optimization, or SEO is more commonly referred to, is essentially seeing your site in search engine results created as a direct result to encode information that you initially have in your site (as well as some external factors). Understanding your SEO effectively creates your position, or 'rank' within the list of millions of sites. Your position in this list (in terms of raw) comes to two sets of variables - those that can affect you (or improve) and others that the search engine provider (ie Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) controls. SEO in short is to understand the effect of these variables on your SEM level (search engine marketing) is the continuous improvement of the position or maintenance of your site in the search engine (s). So let's take an example and pretend that you already have a website, but you do not use any analytical tools and do not understand what SEO is (do not worry if you do not own a website where this is still relevant). Let's say for example that you are looking for a search for the 'cool sites' key phrase which is currently listed on your site in page 7, and link 3 from the top of that page. Assuming 10 results per page, this means that you have a site search engine position for 'cold sites' The key phrase is 73 ((7 x 10) + 3) on Google in your area / country. Now, maybe 73 in the world does not seem so bad for that basic phrase that I think is important, but being on page 7 of a search engine like Google is not very likely to get many customers - you really need to be on the first couple of pages and perfect On the front page. This is where SEM comes into play, as understanding how search engines work will allow you to optimize your site to get you in a better position for a particular keyword or keywords. But why is this important? Understanding how well SEO works and enables you to get higher level pages in search results peoples. By being on a higher level, you get better exposure than more people, which in the long term means you get more traffic to your website. If your website is working then by understanding SEO having a better position in the major search engines, you would thereby increase the exposure to the products or services you offer to your customers and thus increase your sales hopefully / conversion levels.

SEO Basics

There are two main types of search engine optimization: organic and inorganic. Organic SEO relies on optimizing your web page to meet the best requirements (or listings) that search engine companies are looking for, where SEO and Inorganic SEO refers to advertising methods that allow you to get a higher job in search engines, Such as AdWords). I will be covering all areas of SEO on this site, but let's start looking at SEO Let's Organic. Getting your site ranked in Google, Yahoo Bing is a relatively straight forward process. We got to # 1 (number one) or even a front-row kettle completely different from the fish. Many people ask me if they should learn by SEO who are building their site or learning once they have built their website. This question is more like, which came first - chicken or egg? The reason I say this is because you need a website that is up and running to be ranked in search engines, but you also need to understand how search engines work to make sure you get listed where at all. I can not trace the number of sites where you've browsed spent an hour of time making a site that looks aesthetically pleasing and looks like a really great job, but the nuts and bolts of a site are non-existent - meaning search engines can not 'read' pages - so either they see it Completely empty or very lacking in their content. I always find that the best way to accomplish the goal is to say 'how it works', then once you understand how something works you can begin to understand how to make it work for you - by understanding SEO in this case, you can That determines your website to meet the requirements of the search engines and get your site in the pages displaying their results. So in answering the question about whether or not you should learn SEO before you start building your site, I would always say, yes - make sure you understand the implications of SEO before you start building the site, but also You must remember that it is never too late to change things, and you can always modify your site to make it more search engine friendly - every good site owner does this on a regular basis. The only site design I am currently aware of that would make this extremely expensive to change after you have built this command that has been completely designed in a flash or another programming language that is used by very few text references - but even as I type this, The main search companies is making improvements to the way they rank sites that are not based solely on text reading in web design (ie duration of stay, bounce rate etc) but for now, let's stick to looking at how search engines are currently running.

How do search engines work?

Now unless you work for a company like Google, Microsoft (Bing) or Yahoo then you probably will not know exactly how search engines work. In essence, anyone can understand how a search engine works in principle, but understanding the exact details is the difference between being on page 1 of Google or page 15. This in itself is then the difference between having thousands (and even millions) of Customers and the lack of customers at all - Many studies have shown that very few people go beyond the first couple of search engine results pages unless they are looking for something really niche market (specialist). How does the search engine collect information from your page and translate it into being listed in their search results? "Spiders", "reptiles" and "bots" are the answer - no, I'm not talking about Harry Potter latest movies or converters, but what small programs basically visit your site and then report back to a much larger program with exactly what I've seen. If you imagine a tourist visiting another country, take a picture of something and then take back home and show off all their family, then that's how raw the bots work - that takes a snapshot of your site at a certain point of time and then relay that information to the base Data is constantly growing. What is important at this stage is to understand exactly what they are looking for and then what they are doing with this information. Below is a great video from Google explaining in simple terms how search works.

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