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Monday, December 23, 2019

Benefits of green tea ?

Benefits of green tea ? - upgainer.com

Green Tea:

Green tea is obtained from the Chinese Camellia plant, where the leaves and buds of this plant are used to prepare different types of tea. These varieties vary according to the method of manufacture. The leaves are evaporated and dried to obtain green tea while the leaves are fully fermented for black tea, Partly brewed for oolong tea, green tea is considered a healthy beverage, because it contains antioxidants, and important nutrients for body health.

Benefits of green tea:
Green tea offers many health benefits, and mention of these benefits is as follows:
Benefits of green tea ? - upgainer.com
Contains biologically active compounds:

Green tea contains a compound of polyphenols, which contributes to reduce inflammation, it can reduce the risk of cancer, and contains antioxidant catechins that prevent the injury of cells damage, by preventing the formation of free radicals in The body, which causes cell damage, contributes to aging, is associated with many diseases, and green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate which can be behind the medicinal properties of green tea, as it is used in the treatment of many diseases. It is recommended to choose high quality green tea for its benefits, because some low quality species may contain high amounts Of fluoride.

Increased fat burning:

Experiments have shown that green tea can increase the rate of metabolism, and burning fat in the body, as one study that included 10 healthy men that the consumption of green tea increased energy expenditure by 4%, and in another study found that green tea Fat oxidation increases by 17%. On the other hand, some studies have not shown that this tea increases the metabolic rate, so it can depend on individuals. However, caffeine in tea helps to transfer fat from fatty tissue and provides it for use in the form of Energy, which contributes to improved body performance .

Benefits of green tea ? - upgainer.com

Improves brain function:
Caffeine in green tea helps to inhibit the neurotransmitter called adenosine, which increases nerve cell production, concentration of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine. In addition, caffeine plays a role in improving brain function, such as increased alertness, The response time, and the strengthening of memory, on the other hand, the green tea contains the amino acid thiamin; which activates the neurotransmitter neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, which has a disturbing effect, and contributes to the production of alpha waves, Waldo Amin in the brain.

Reduces the risk of cancer:
Green tea contains strong antioxidants, which can have a protective effect of oxidative stress that can cause cancer. One study has indicated that women who drink large amounts of green tea have decreased their risk of breast cancer by Ranging from 20-30%. On the other hand, a study was conducted on men and found that those who drank green tea reduced their risk of prostate cancer by 48%. In addition, the results of 29 studies indicated that people who ate this type of tea reduced the risk of developing cancer Colon and rectum b Ratio of 42%.

Reduces risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease:
Some animal studies have suggested that catechins can play a role in reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's because they help protect nerve cells.

Benefits of green tea ? - upgainer.com

Contributes to the killing of bacteria:
some studies have indicated that catechins can kill bacteria, and can inhibit viruses such as those causing influenza, which reduces the risk of infection, and other studies have indicated the ability of these compounds to reduce the growth of streptococcal bacteria mutant (Streptococcus mutans), a harmful bacteria that grows in the mouth, causing the formation of plaque, and thus lead to tooth decay and decay.

Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes:
Studies have shown that eating green tea can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels. The results of seven different studies involving 286,701 people showed that people who ate this tea were less likely to have diabetes With 18% diabetes.

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease: Green tea can improve triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol in the body. These factors are a key cause of heart disease. This tea helps increase the antioxidant capacity in the blood, Protects against the oxidation of harmful cholesterol. It is worth noting that people who consume green tea are less likely to develop cardiovascular disease by up to 31%.

Benefits of green tea ? - upgainer.com
Reduces weight:
Many studies have suggested that green tea can reduce body fat, especially in the abdomen, and has been shown to promote short-term metabolic rates, so it can play a role in weight loss. Studies have not shown that green tea can reduce weight.
Side effects of green tea:
You may get some side effects for some people when you eat green tea, including dizziness, nausea, headache, stomach upset, diarrhea, the side effects may be more serious and up to the speed or irregular heartbeat, mood swings, sleep problems, Seizures, or jaundice, and here you should see your doctor. In addition, there are very rare cases in which a person may have very serious symptoms such as showing allergic reaction; swelling, feeling of itching in the face, tongue, throat, rashes, In this case, consult the doctor.

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